

Danube region commits to sustainable mobility in tourism


Over 100 participants, representatives from ministries, national and regional organizations and municipalities attended the Kick-Off Conference of the EU-project “Transdanube.Pearls” in Belgrade on 1st March 2017. The conference was hosted by the Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia (RARIS)…


Final conference on project TRANSDANUBE


It marks the official end of a 2-year collaboration between 14 project partners from six countries along the Danube 

The final conference of the TRANSDANUBE project, carried out under the leadership of the Environment Agency Austria, marks the official end of a 2-year collaboration…


Sixth partner meeting and Final conference on project TRANSDANUBE


From 8 to 11 September 2014 will be held the Sixth partner meeting and the Final conference of project “TRANSDANUBE – Sustainable Transport and Tourism along the Danube”, in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Representatives of Regional administration Vidin, as project partner, will participate…


Fourth partner meeting on project TRANSDANUBE in Veszprem, Hungary


Representatives from Regional administration Vidin will take part in the Fourth partner meeting on project “TRANSDANUBE – Sustainable Transport and Tourism along the Danube” which will take place in the Hungarian town Veszprem from February 12 – 13, 2014. 

On the workshop will be…


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