Vidin Region
Novo Selo municipality is situated in the northwestern part of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vidin Region. It borders Vidin and Bregovo municipalities and through the Danube River with the Republic of Romania. Novo selo municipality lies 25 km far from the town of Vidin and 15 km far from the boundary with the Republic of Serbia.
It has plain relief. The total land comes to 86 622 decares, which is 79% of the municipality territory. The arable land is 32 991 decares, pastures and common lands are 5 204 decares and vineyards -12 194 decares.
The climatic conditions are suitable for growing more of the spread in Bulgaria agricultural species. Novo Selo Municipality has tradition of many years in vine and wine industry. There are
grown high stem species like “Kabernet”, “Merlot”, “Gamza” and “Rkatsiteli”. The grape and grain processing industries have a leading role in the municipal economy. The enterprises in that sphere have long-term interests in the region and they gradually develop, modernize, and elaborate the old necessary equipment in the municipality.
Among the priorities for municipal development, tourism also takes place. As main precondition for its development is the fact that three of the settlements are situated along the Danube River, which is precondition for developing water sports tourism.
Statistic data:
Area: 109,5
Population(till 31.12.2019): 2 423 inhabitants
Settlements: 5 villages – the village of Florentin, the village of Negovanovtsi, the municipal center the village of Novo selo, the village of Vinarovo, the village of Yassen
Bigger settlements in the municipality: the village of Novo Selo; the village of Vinarovo; the village of Negovanovtsi.
Mayor: Mr. Georgi Gerasimov Stoenelov
Municipality contact data:
Address: 89, “Il.Popov”Str.
3784 Novo Selo
Tel: +35993916/ 22 25
Fax: +3599316/ 22 69
Chairman of Municipal Council: Mr. Ivo Vergilov
Tel: 09316/ 22 48
Fax: 09316/ 22 25