Vidin Region

Vidin municipality

Vidin municipality is situated in the northwestern part of the Danubian plain along the two most specific curves of the Danube in that part of the river. The municipality is near the Republic of Serbia and borders along the Danube on the Republic of Romania. 

Important strategic advantage of the municipality is its position in the national and European transport systems. Two European transport corridors cross the municipality: No 4 Drezden/Newrnberg-Praha-Bratislava-Vienna/Bratislava-Budapesta-Arad-Bukurest-Konstantsa/Crayova-Sofia-Thessaloniki/Plovdiv-Istanbul and No 7 – the Danube River. Important for the municipality project is the construction at km 796 second bridge over the Danube, which will connect the towns of Vidin and Kalafat (Romania). At the moment European transport corridor No 4 is being serviced by a ferryboat line Vidin-Kalafat, situated at 2,5 km from Vidin. At only 6 km. from Vidin, there is an airport with 2030 km length of the airstrip and width of 40 ì. It was closed in 1998 and does not operate at present. Comparatively preserved infrastructure and technical equipment of the airport are great possibility for its future rehabilitation. On the right bank of the Danube river, between km 785 and km 795, is situated the “Port of Vidin.” It consists of Port Vidin – North, situated in the North Industrial Area, next to the ferryboat and Duty Free Zone, Port terminal Center – situated in the central part of the town; 
Motor ferryboat terminal situated in the North Industrial Zone; Port South - situated in the Southern Industrial Zone with Ro-Ro and Ro-La terminals. Cross the municipality passes VII-th main railroad Vidin – Sofia. There is a railway from Vidin to GIPS JSC – at the village of Koshava, designed for transport of freights. Railway station Vidin is one of the oldest stations in Bulgaria, its exploitation started in 1923. 
Surface water in Vidin municipality is about 5,8% of its territory. The Danube is the main water thoroughfare. The rivers Deleyska, Topolovets, Voynishka, and Vidbol pass through the municipalities. They are characterized by low water courses. Two reservoirs – “Bozhuritsa” on Vidbol River and “Byala Rada”, are built for regulation and accumulation of spring flow on the municipality territory. In the section of Vidin – Slanotran - Koshava there is a spring of mineral thermal water with high value of mineral components. 
Vidin municipality, which is the biggest in surface and population in the region, has the leading part in the regional economy. Among the strongest economical branches in the municipalities are the processing industry, and trade, cars repair, and goods for the households. Agriculture is also an important branch of local economy as about 75% of the total municipal territory is arable land. The municipality has traditions in processing agricultural production and it obtains the necessary industrial infrastructure. In the sphere of services, there is a well-structured network of enterprises with variable character of activity. On the Danube bank is constructed Duty Free Zone with contemporary indoor warehouse base of 7 300 sq.m, and outdoor warehouses on 3 000 sq.m, set up technical infrastructure and modern communication networks. At the three main entrances of Vidin Region are organized three industrial zones – South, Western, and Northern. 

Among the priorities for development of Vidin Region is tourist development on the base of the existing nature assets, the location along the Danube river as well as the rich cultural and historic heritage. Among the landmarks in Vidin municipality are “Baba Vida” Castle, Castle wall “Kaleto”; the Turkish town hall “Koluka”,the mosque and the library of Osman Pazvantoglu; the Cross-shaped barracks; the churches “St. Panteleymon”, “St. Petka”, “St.Nikolay”, the cathedral “St. Dimitar”; the Bishop’s residence, the Eparchial school building; the Synagogue and many others. The close peaceful existence of temples of the three major religions is the reason Vidin to be called “the small Jerusalem” 

Statistic data: 
Area: 501  
Population (till 31.12.2019): 52 554 inhabitants 
Settlements: 2 towns – town of Vidin (center of municipality), town of Dunavtsi; 32 villages – the villages of Akatsievo, Antimovo, Bela Rada, Botevo, Bukovets, Dinkovitsa, Dolni Boshnyak, Druzhba, Gaytantsi, General Marinovo, Gomotartsi, Gradets, Inovo, Ivanovtsi, Zheglitsa, Kalenik, Kapitanovtsi, Koshava, Kutovo, Mayor Uzunovo, Novoseltsi, Peshakovo, Plakuder, Pokrayna, Ruptsi, Sinagovtsi, Slana bara, Slanotran, Tsar Simeonovo, Tarnyane, Vartop, Voynitsa. 
Bigger settlements in the municipality: the town of Vidin - 40 620 inhabitants; the town of Dunavtsi -1 826 inhabitants; village of Gradets; village of Pokrayna; village of Kapitanovtsi

Mayor: Dr. Tsvetan Tsenkov 
Municipality contact data: 
2,“Bdintsi”Sq. 3700, Vidin 
Tel: +35994/ 609 416 
Fax: +35994/ 601 132 

Chairman of the Municipal Council: Mr. Genadi Velkov 
Tel./fax: +35994/ 601 159 

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