From 8 to 11 September 2014 will be held the Sixth partner meeting and the Final conference of project “TRANSDANUBE – Sustainable Transport and Tourism along the Danube”, in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Representatives of Regional administration Vidin, as project partner, will participate in the forthcoming events where will be discussed the project overall results and future activities.
The Final conference and Project partner meeting is organized by RARIS – Regional Agency for Development of Eastern Serbia in cooperation with the Observer Partner Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental protection and the IPA-PP1–Danube Competence Centre.
The main topics of the agenda are the Final steering committee meeting, current status of sustainable mobility in tourism along the Danube, sustainable mobility offers and tourist packages implemented and future challenges. International experts and members of the project team will present different methods to overcome the gaps in the Danube region.
During the Final conference will be held a Study tour in Eastern Serbia where the participants will have the possibility to have a close look at some project results as well as good practices from the regions.
Aim of the project, which started in autumn 2012, is to tackle the weak accessibility levels and poor quality of transport services in SEE as a major constraint for further economic development and growth in the Danube region. By developing sustainable mobility offers the project will improve accessibility and facilitate the concept of sustainable tourism in the whole Danube region. The regions will benefit from increased added value from tourists being able to reach touristic destinations even in the hinterland of the river.
TRANSDANUBE aims to develop the sustainable mobility along the Danube through the promotion of alternative models of transport – train, bus, bicycle and ship and to spread the concept for sustainable development of tourism in the Danube region.
The project is financed by the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme and there are 14 financing partners from 6 countries and more than 35 strategic partners and observers. TRANSDANUBE contributes to achieving the objectives of the European polices and strategies and particularly the implementation of the European Strategy for the Danube region. The project implementation will continue to the end of September 2014.
You could find more information about the project on: