

The Deputy regional governor Ani Arutyunyan participated in the celebrations on the occasion of the National holiday of Bulgaria


The commemorative celebrations to mark the 146th anniversary of the signing of the San Stefano peace treaty and the Liberation of our country from Ottoman rule began with a funeral prayer in front of the Romanian soldiers' monument in the Inovo village.

Later, a celebratory procession set off from the "Konaka" museum to the central square in Vidin, where the Bulgarian flag was raised to the sounds of the national anthem. Mrs. Arutyunyan took part in the official ceremony and laid a wreath in memory of the heroes who died in the battles during the Russo-Turkish war of Liberation in front of the monument of the "Third Infantry Regiment of Bdin". "With special respect and adoration, even today 146 years later, we bow our heads before the heroism and self-sacrifice of our immortal national heroes who, at the cost of their lives, worthily shed their blood for the Fatherland and won the much-desired freedom. Let's be proud of our history! To be an example of patriotism, to love and cherish Bulgaria! Let's keep the covenants of our ancestors, let them echo in time forever!", states the Regional governor Ivo Atanasov in his holiday address to the residents of Vidin region.

By tradition, the national holiday of Bulgaria - March the 3rd continued with a thematic historical reenactment of the Liberation of Vidin, with the participation of members and volunteers of the Association for the preservation of national traditions "Bdintsi".

The Deputy regional governor Ani Arutyunyan also laid flowers in front of the monument to the militiamen from the Vidin region on behalf of the Regional governor and the state administration.

We remind You, that today the museum sites of the Regional history museum in Vidin are free to enter.

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