The 15-year-old student at the VHS "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" in Vidin, majoring in "Economics and management", was welcomed this morning in the regional governor's office. Mrs. Ani Arutyunyan introduced the ninth-grader to her powers as a regional governor, emphasizing the exercise of control over the legality of the acts of the municipal councils in the 11 municipalities of Vidin region, as well as her responsibilities for the organizational and technical preparation of the elections for the national parliament.
Within the framework of the "Manager for a day" initiative, Iren Tsvetanova learned more about the activities of the state administration, the powers and functions of the directorates.
The Chief secretary of Regional administration Vidin, Mrs. Silviya Strezova, showed the young manager the types of administrative services that are offered to citizens and institutions. Iren Tsvetanova also had the opportunity to examine acts of state property, types of labor-legal relations under the Civil servant act, the archive of the administration, etc.
For her participation in the largest educational initiative for young people of JA Bulgaria - an organization dedicated to the development of the potential of young people in Bulgaria, Iren Tsvetanova shared good impressions and received a certificate and gifts from the Regional governor of Vidin region, Mrs. Ani Arutyunyan.