

Deputy regional governor Ani Arutyunyan congratulated the management and graduates of "Ivan Vazov" Elementary School and "Tsar Simeon Veliki" Secondary School on the occasion of the beginning of the new school year


On the festive day of September the 15th, students, teachers and parents gathered in the courtyard of "Ivan Vazov" Elementary School. Ceremonial water service for health and well-being was officiated by Father Vladimir from the Holy Metropoly of Vidin.

Among the official guests were the mayor of the municipality of Vidin, Dr. Tsvetan Tsenkov, the chairman of the Municipal Council, Gennady Velkov, the head of the Regional Department of Education, Veselka Asenova, and Vladimir Ivanov, an inspector in the RDPBZN. “The first day of school is a special moment that brings with it the promise of new opportunities, development and growth – the beginning of a journey that will lead students to new knowledge, friendships and skills. Be open to learning, ready to face challenges and overcome them with diligence and perseverance," said the Deputy regional governor in her congratulation adress. Ani Arutyunyan escorted part of the first-graders to their classroom, after which colorful balloons flew into the sky.

Later, Mrs. Arutyunyan also honored the ceremony for the opening of the new 2023/2024 academic year at "Tsar Simeon Veliki" High School, which traditionally began with welcoming the school's flag and raising the national tricolor to the sounds of the anthem of the Republic of Bulgaria. As its graduate, she did not hide her excitement: "Today, I remember the testament of the late and highly respected long-time director Vencislav Stanev, who often told us: 'Always return to our school and don't forget where you left from!'

The youngest students crossed the threshold of the oldest Vidin high school - 15 students in the preparatory group and a total of 76 first graders. Reverend Father Samuil officiated a ceremonial water service for the first school day.

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